




Shanghai Lingang Longguang Tianyao Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海臨港龍光天曜售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Add the building schematic加推樓棟示意圖Pudong!浦東!Harbor!臨港!Nearly 2 years of record attention!近2年的戰績矚目!Good news!利好不斷!From the hot market of new houses in Lingang this year, we can also see that a large number of buyers are looking forward to Lingang.從今年來臨港新房的火爆市場也能看出來大量購房者對於臨港的期待。Talent introduction, 10628 people settled down, the total number of various talents exceeded 82,000;人才引進,落戶10628人,各類人才總量破8.2萬人;30 new residential projects were started, and the industrial output value increased by 136.8%.新開工住宅項目30個,工業產值累計增長136.8%...Lingang New area "overall plan" task has been completed 90%!臨港新片區《總體方案》任務已完成90%!By 2035, the economic scale of Lingang New Area will reach 1 trillion yuan and the permanent population will reach 2.5 million.到2035年,臨港新片區的經濟規模將達到1萬億,常住人口達到250萬人。Home Linang, the first choice of the main city, since this year, Lingang launched a number of new plates, the new plate in the main city is almost all 3.1 talent, urban buyers have no chance to buy.置業臨港、首選主城,今年以來,臨港推出多個新盤,主城區的新盤幾乎全被3.1人才包攬,市區購房者根本沒有機會買到。So how to choose the 101-105 area of Dishui Lake?那麼滴水湖101-105片區究竟該如何選?From the perspective of the planning positioning of "1 lake and 4 areas" in the main city of Lingang, what is the difference between these different areas located in the main city?從臨港主城的“1湖4片區”的規劃定位來看,這些同位於主城之內的不同片區又有何區別?







Shanghai Lingang Longguang Tianyao Sales Office Tel: ☎ :上海臨港龍光天曜售樓處電話☎:In terms of high-rise design, Longguang Tianyao PLUS+ new products start from the six dimensions of illumination, scale, privacy, cleanliness, receptivity, and experience, to create a more humanized comfortable space - improve practicality through reasonable spatial planning, while achieving the improvement of living comfort.400-9939-964✔✔✔高層方面,在戶型設計上,龍光天曜PLUS+新品從光照度、尺度感、私密性、潔淨度、收納力、體驗感6大維度出發,將居所打造成爲更人性化的舒適空間——通過合理的空間規劃提高實用性,同時實現居住舒適度的提升。Even if it is a small area of about 89 square meters, it can also have a comprehensive space to enjoy.即便是建面約89㎡的小面積戶型,也能有面面俱到的空間享受。


Shanghai Longguang Tianyao Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ South facing three sides wide + room room with window full light design, with the layout of the building facing south, bring a more transparent indoor environment;上海臨港龍光天曜售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔南向三面寬+室室帶窗的全明設計,配合坐北朝南的樓棟佈局,帶來更通透的室內環境;The dining room is connected to the balcony, which makes the public activity area more open and spacious, and also leaves enough interaction space for the family.餐客廳一體直連陽臺的設計,讓公共活動區域更加敞闊大氣,也爲家庭留足互動空間;At the same time, it is fully optimized in the living moving line, which can reach the kitchen immediately after entering the house, the dynamic and static partition, and the non-interference;同時在居住動線上也進行了充分的優化,入戶即達廚房、動靜分區、互不干擾;In addition, the dry and wet separation bathroom, independent entrance porch, full bedroom with bay window, full U-shaped kitchen and other details of the design, but also enhance the practicality of the space and experience, is indeed a rare choice of harbor!此外,乾溼分離衛浴、獨立入戶玄關、全臥室帶飄窗、全U型廚房等細節設計,也增強了空間的實用性和體驗感,確實是臨港不可多得的優居之選!




















500,000 square villa quality community + perfect supporting facilities50萬方墅質社區+完善配套Buy a house must have priority to buy the market!買房一定優先買大盤!The reason is simple: the larger the volume, the more perfect the matching.原因很簡單:體量越大,配套越完善。In addition to Longguang Blue Whale World Shopping Center, there are Lingang Community Service Center, city park, primary school (planning) and so on.除龍光藍鯨世界購物中心,住在龍光·天曜出門還有臨港社區服務中心、城市公園、小學(規劃)等。It is worth mentioning that Lingang Community Service Center has indoor swimming pool, sports center and other facilities.值得一提的是臨港社區服務中心有室內泳池、體育中心等設施。In a word, Longguang Tianyao business, park, sports center, you can think of needs, all can be met!總結一句話,龍光·天曜臨商業、臨公園、臨體育中心,你能想到的需求,統統都能滿足!Longguang Tianyao Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Official tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔龍光天曜售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔龍光天曜官方電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Shanghai Lingang Longguang Tianyao Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海臨港龍光天曜售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Longguang Tianyao is a pioneering complex in 102 areas of Lingang, with a total construction area of 500,000 square meters, including 130,000 square meters of commercial construction, which will be built into a comprehensive international living community integrating powerful functions such as business, office, social, entertainment and living.龍光·天曜是臨港102片區的開創性綜合體,總建面50萬方,其中商業建面約13萬方,整體將打造成爲集商業、辦公、社交、娛樂、居住等強大功能於一體的綜合國際生活住區。Longguang Tianyao Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Official tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔龍光天曜售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔龍光天曜官方電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔




Shanghai Lingang Longguang Tianyao Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ It is divided into 5 sub-lots, of which 10-02 is commercial (hotel + shopping center, 84,000 ㎡), 06-02 residential lot includes 249 sets of commercial housing and 321 sets of social security housing, and the other 3 residential lots are commercial housing.上海臨港龍光天曜售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔分爲5個子地塊,其中10-02地塊爲商業(酒店+購物中心,8.4萬㎡),06-02住宅地塊包括249套商品房和321套保障房,其他3幅住宅地塊均爲商品房。The project community implements people-vehicle diversion management, and there is no parking space on the ground.項目社區實施人車分流管理,地面無車位。The facade of advanced gray with beige main color, fashion and elegant, three glass two cavity + broken bridge aluminum alloy material, is the current market specifications of the leading window glass material, than the conventional hollow double layer plastic steel manufacturing cost is several times higher!外立面高級灰搭配米白色主色調,時尚典雅,三玻兩腔+斷橋鋁合金材質,是目前市面規格領先的窗戶玻璃材質,較常規中空雙層塑鋼造造價高出幾倍!The senior gray + beige + Champagne gold aluminum plate of Dixie Villa has become a representative of the appearance level of Dishui Lake.疊墅高級灰+米白色+香檳金鋁板,成爲滴水湖顏值代表。The exterior one garden one corridor, the interior one axis six views, a full range of green landscape like the century Park next to some quality residential, such as Jiujiantang, Tian 'an Garden, sought after by high net worth individuals.外部一園一帶一廊,內部一軸六景,全方位綠化景觀猶如世紀公園旁的一些品質住宅如九間堂、天安花園等,深受高淨值人士追捧。At the same time, Longguang Tianyao is one of the few water feature communities in Dishui Lake. The PC imitation stone floor tile walk and modern Marine wind theme landscape inside the community are integrated.同時,龍光·天曜是滴水湖少有在售水景社區,社區內部PC仿石材地磚步道,現代海洋風主題景觀,渾然一體。

Project diagram項目示意圖From the water features on both sides of the entrance garden to the floating island of the water features inside the entrance garden, the design of the unit etiquette entry space emphasizes the sense of dignity and order of the entrance, and the landscape design progresses layer by layer.從入園兩側水景,到入園內部水景漂浮島,單元禮儀入戶空間設計,整體強調入戶的尊貴感與禮序感,景觀設計層層遞進。Longguang Tianyao Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Official tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔龍光天曜售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔龍光天曜官方電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Shanghai Lingang Longguang Tianyao Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海臨港龍光天曜售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Longguang Tianyao will soon add a new PLUS+ group, further upgrading in quality construction.龍光天曜即將加推的PLUS+全新組團,在品質營造上進一步升級。The ultra-low energy consumption buildings built in accordance with the green construction standards demonstrate Longguang's responsibility to practice environmental protection and help urban energy conservation and emission reduction, and also bring new cutting-edge architectural concepts and seven energy-saving and low-consumption technologies to bring a more comfortable, healthier and more energy-efficient lifestyle.遵循綠建標準打造的超低能耗建築,彰顯出龍光踐行環保、助力城市節能減排的責任擔當,也以前沿建築理念與7大節能低耗技術的賦新,帶來更舒適、更健康、更節能的生活方式。



Shanghai Lingang Longguang Tianyao Sales Office Tel: ☎ :上海臨港龍光天曜售樓處電話☎:In terms of details, the project adopts the thickened multi-layer exterior wall and multi-layer roof construction process, and the high-performance materials such as LOW-E three-glass two-cavity external Windows, silicon ink selenium insulation board, etc., to improve the thermal insulation, thermal insulation and sound insulation performance of the building. In addition, the construction process of no thermal bridge design, air tightness system and other details are studied everywhere.400-9939-964✔✔✔細節方面,項目採用加厚多層外牆、多層屋頂構造工藝,配合LOW-E三玻兩腔外窗、硅墨硒保溫板等高性能材料,提升建築的保溫、隔熱與隔音性能,此外,無熱橋設計、氣密性系統等細節建築工藝,處處考究。Excellent building performance can significantly reduce building energy consumption, thus saving daily living costs for the owner.優異的建築性能,能夠大幅降低建築耗能,從而爲業主節約日常生活成本。


Shanghai Lingang Longguang Tianyao sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Again focus on mention, Longguang Tianyao PLUS+ this batch of new villas only 52 sets, sold out!上海臨港龍光天曜售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔再次重點提一下,龍光天曜PLUS+這批新品疊墅只有52套,賣完就沒了!In the entire Dishui Lake core area, only Longguang Tianyao and Dishui Lake Xinyuan have villa products, and the latter has just promoted the villa has been 3.1 talent "round", which also shows the degree of tight villa housing!在整個滴水湖核芯區,只有龍光天曜和滴水湖馨苑有疊墅產品,而後者剛剛推售的疊墅已經被3.1人才“包圓”,由此也可見疊墅房源的緊俏程度!Whether from the perspective of the project itself, or from the whole Dishui Lake, this batch of overlapping villas of Longguang Tianyao are the real "sell a set less a set", don't miss it!無論從項目本身視角,還是從整個滴水湖來看,龍光天曜的這批疊墅,都是真正的“賣一套少一套”,喜歡的千萬別錯過!





In the garden building, create a Marine theme landscape system, one corridor and one garden in the outside, and six views in the inside. With the urban river landscape as the axis, the layered water garden creates the entrance of the ceremony home.園林打造上,打造海洋主題景觀體系,外部一帶一廊一園,內部“一軸六景”,以城市河道景觀爲軸線,層疊水景花園營造儀式歸家入口。Longguang Tianyao Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Official tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔龍光天曜售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔龍光天曜官方電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔上海臨港龍光天曜售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔


Shanghai Lingang Longguang Tianyao Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Marine theme water feature and flower pool, green group around floating island theme natural garden;上海臨港龍光天曜售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔海洋主題水景與花池相攜,綠化組團環繞的漂浮島主題自然花園;It is equipped with various kinds of fitness equipment and the vitality fitness area of the full-age circular track......配建各類健身器械、全齡環跑道的活力健身區......Create a colorful community life!營造豐富多彩的社區生活!

