「塔斯馬尼亞惡魔」消失3000年重返澳洲大陸 26只拚繁衍

Tasmanian Devils are making an Australian mainland comeback with the help of some friends! Actors and friends of WildArk, Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky, helped release 11 Tasmanian Devils into the wild on September 10th, bringing the total released Devils to 26. They are among the first Tasmanian Devils to live in the wild on mainland Australia in 3,000 years. The team at Aussie Ark will monitor the marsupials in the 400-hectare wildlife sanctuary in the Barrington Tops through camera traps, radio collars and surveys to check how they are adjusting to life in the wild. The Devils have been given a platform to succeed - so stay tuned for regular updates on their progress and the 2021 breeding season! Tasmanian devils vanished entirely from mainland Australia, theoretically because they were outcompeted by introduced dingoes, which hunt in packs. Dingoes no longer occur in Aussie Arks protected areas, making it the perfect location for Devils. Dingoes never made it to Tasmania and the Devils thrived, but the island state, along with its Devils, now has it's own problems. A transmissible, painful and fatal disease called Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD)—one of very few known contagious cancers—has decimated between 80 - 90 percent of the wild population of Tasmanian devils. Aussie Ark, previously known as Devil Ark, is as committed to the survival of the Devil in Tasmanian as ever. As a part of the mainland disease free insurance population we've bred over 400 joeys some of which have returned to Tasmanian. Now we are embarking on the ambitious opportunity to rewild and rebuild mainland ecosystems. Aussie Ark is their lifeline! You can help Aussie Arlk rewilding Australia by donating today! This sanctuary is the first of many - we have the land, we need your help to rebuild Australia's ecosystems. Rewilding projects, including the return of endangered Eastern quolls, Long-nosed potorros, Rufous bettongs, Koalas and Parma wallabies are all coming! DONATE TODAY! Australian friends: http://bit.ly/DevilComeback2020 International Friends: https://devilcomeback.org/ So far the #DevilComeback is going well! #RewildAustralia . . . Global Wildlife Conservation


袋獾又被稱爲「塔斯馬尼亞惡魔(Tasmanian Devil)」,已經在澳洲大陸絕種3000年,僅在塔斯馬尼亞島現蹤,最近在野生動物保護組織的覆育下,26只袋獾重新野放到澳洲大陸。

野生動物保護組織Aussie Ark分享袋獾相隔3000年重返澳洲大陸的「歷史性一刻」,他們在巴靈頓國家公園(Barrington Tops National Park)分批野放了26只袋獾,並透過項圈紅外線相機等追蹤野放後的情況,盼望2021年繁殖季來臨時能迎接新生命

Aussie Ark表示,袋獾過去會在澳洲大陸絕種,是因爲澳洲土狗丁哥犬(Dingo)會集體狩獵,但這次野放的地點並沒有丁哥犬出沒,因此對袋獾來說是個很適合的「新家」。

雖然塔斯馬尼亞島沒有丁哥犬,但那裡的野生袋獾也面臨疾病問題,這種具傳染性的疾病叫做「袋獾面部腫瘤病(Devil Facial Tumour Disease,DFTD)」,造成80%到90%的袋獾數量減少。

袋獾身形與一隻小狗差不多,肌肉發達相當壯碩,被攻擊時會發出臭味、刺耳的叫聲,因而被稱爲「塔斯馬尼亞惡魔」。牠們在被列爲「瀕危動物」,而Aussie Ark目前已經覆育了400只小袋獾,野放至塔斯馬尼亞島,希望能重建塔斯馬尼亞島的袋獾生態




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