靠8只小鳥「拉鯨魚」成爲矽谷寵兒 華裔設計師創下餃子Emoji



表情圖示(Emoji)成爲人們溝通的重要工具,越來越多的圖案躍上用戶手機鍵盤,去年還新增了伊斯蘭頭巾花椰菜餃子等圖示。而可口的餃子Emoji其實來自華裔設計師陸怡穎(Yiying Lu)之手,她現在是美國矽谷寵兒,從小在亞洲長大的她,並未想過自己能在異鄉如此發光發熱。


4 new emoji designs will soon be released on mobile devices worldwide this June: Dumpling, Chopsticks, Takeout Box & Fortune Cookie; designed by artist Yiying Lu from Shanghai, via Sydney, now lives in San Francisco. Story on @sydneymorningherald: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/new-emoji-a-taste-of-china-via-sydney-coming-soon-to-a-phone-near-you-20170407-gvfvvi.html by Cathrine Hermitage, Photo by @shooterwol, Location: Sydney, Australia #emoji #art #design #food #culture #dumpling #chopsticks #fortunecookie #fortune #chinesefood #china #chinese #Asian @utsengage @unsw @arcunsw @the.australian @timeoutshanghai @universityofarts @nbcasianamerica @shanghaiist @eater_sf @sfgate @sfbucketlist

Yiying Lu(@yiyinglu)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 4月 月 7 日 下午 4:57 張貼

高中畢業後,陸怡穎前往新南威爾斯大學就學,也到英國進行廣告上的交流,她的成名作品是「失敗鯨」(Fail Whale),8只紅色小鳥拉起鯨魚畫面後來被推特買下版權,作爲網頁失敗的經典畫面,相關報導登上多家外媒




The original name of @Twitter Whale #Art is "Lifting A Dreamer". My overseas friends were celebrating birthdays while I was in Sydney, New South *Wales*. I made this visual pun to express my huge wish as a , delivered via by : The Impossible made Possible via the internet. pic.twitter.com/bdd3ySGYra