1元硬幣大!「鱟寶寶」掌上跳華爾滋 好像《小精靈》

▲哈囉你好,我是一隻鱟~(圖/翻攝自FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute)






The next full moon is Sunday, April 29th and FWC biologists are encouraging sighting reports of mating horseshoe crabs. Beachgoers will have the best luck spotting horseshoe crabs mating around high tide, within three days of a full or new moon. To identify mating pairs, look for a smaller male on top of a larger female. Your reports provide important information about population distribution to the FWC. Although horseshoe crabs have existed for about 450 million years, their numbers have declined due to overfishing and loss of habitat. You can report sightings many ways: FWC Reporter app, Email: horseshoe@MyFWC.com or Phone: 866-252-9326 or Online: bit.ly/1Nxgn0b Video courtesy of Emma Dontis