外交部次長談美國大選「用一字 」 方恩格:非常失禮、不恰當
(取自美國《The Hill》)
中華民國外交部次長吳志中2日接受美國《國會山報,The Hill》訪問時表示,臺灣對這次選舉「非常非常擔心」( Taiwan is “very, very worried” about the election. )對此,前共和黨亞太區主席、國際政治觀察家方恩格律師(Ross Feingold )認爲,用「worried」這個字,非常不恰當、非常失禮!
外交部次長吳志中2日接受美國《國會山報,The Hill》訪問,談到美國這次總統大選,受訪原文如下:
“We are very concerned by the election of the U.S., because the U.S. is our most important ally,” Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Francois Chihchung Wu told The Hill in an interview. He said Taiwan is “very, very worried” about the election.
(我們對美國的選舉非常擔憂,因爲美國是我們最重要的盟友,外交部次長吳志中(Francois Chihchung Wu)在接受《國會山報》採訪時說。他說,臺灣對這次選舉「非常非常擔心」。)
“We are certainly very, very [interested in] the result of the U.S. presidential election. But having said that, I need to say that now the support of Taiwan is becoming a general consensus,” he added.
“If Trump [were to] abandon Taiwan, I wonder how he can make America Great Again, because he would lose the support, the credibility of the U.S. in the Asian Pacific,” he said. “My feeling is that we are just worried for the uncertainty.”
前共和黨亞太區主席、國際政治觀察家方恩格律師(Ross Feingold )。(資料照片)
對此,前共和黨亞太區主席、國際政治觀察家方恩格律師(Ross Feingold )認爲,用「worried」一詞,非常不恰當、非常失禮!一個國家的外交官不應該針對美國選舉說這句話。