12月7日,在北京市大興區舉辦的2024T-EDGE創新大會暨鈦媒體財經年會現場,鈦媒體T-EDGE的首支AI原創主題曲《On The Edge of Tomorrow》及MV正式對外發布。
《On The Edge of Tomorrow》由鈦媒體集團出品,全英文歌詞、作曲和MV,完全由“AI工具+人工輔助”創作呈現,詞作者是“AI+趙何娟”,曲作者是“AI+楊樾”。
搖滾風的《On The Edge of Tomorrow》,曲風新潮,旋律輕快、流暢、上口,MV裡面是由前沿科技組成關於人類未來與宇宙空間的圖景。
十二年後的今天,因AI的進化,人機耦合有了一次具象化——《On The Edge of Tomorrow》。
歌曲發佈當日,現場與我們一起親眼見證的還有,人工智能研究所執行董事、波士頓動力機器人創始人馬克·雷伯特(Marc Raibert),中國工程院院士、之江實驗室主任、阿里雲創始人王堅,零一萬物創始人、CEO李開復,智源研究院創始理事長張宏江,360集團創始人周鴻禕,智譜CEO張鵬,知乎創始人、CEO周源等數十位全球AI領袖。
以下是《On The Edge of Tomorrow》的歌詞,希望大家也能和我們一樣喜歡這首朗朗上口(又十分上頭)的主題曲~
《On the Edge of Tomorrow》
On the edge of tomorrow, we soar through the skies,
The light of innovation, guiding us to rise.
Hand in hand we move, with dreams that ignite,
In this grand celebration, we create the future bright.
Every idea shines, like stars in the night,
In the endless cosmos, we build bridges of light.
Sparks of wisdom glow, igniting hope a new,
Gathered here together, our hearts in tune.
On the edge of tomorrow, we soar through the skies,
The light of innovation, guiding us to rise.
Hand in hand we move, with dreams that ignite,
In this grand celebration, we create the future bright.
Challenges and chances, weave a melody,
The power of creation, drives us endlessly.
Fearless exploration, brave pursuits we find,
On this sacred ground, we write a new design.
On the edge of tomorrow, we soar through the skies,
The light of innovation, guiding us to rise.
Hand in hand we move, with dreams that ignite,
In this grand celebration, we create the future bright.
Let’s join our hands, break through every wall,
In the sea of knowledge, we’ll answer the call.
The chapters of the future, we’ll write with our hands,
At T-EDGE together, we’ll light up the lands.
On the edge of tomorrow, we soar through the skies,
The light of innovation, guiding us to rise.
Hand in hand we move, with dreams that ignite,
In this grand celebration, we create the future bright.
On the edge of tomorrow, dreams are within reach,
Together we’ll embrace, the lessons we will teach! to the T-EDGE!