紐時賞析/數千外國人入伍助烏攻俄 不只為錢還有使命感


Fighting in the Forest Beside‘My True Family’


The bullet-scarred pickups raced the sunrise along a rough dirt road wending through a dense pine forest. Multiple languages were spoken by the men inside them — Ukrainian, Brazilian, Colombian, Polish — but few words. It was not a moment for small talk.


They had come to fight Russians.


The trucks barely came to a halt to discharge their passengers before speeding off again. Armed drones might appear overhead at any moment, and so as the men continued on foot, they, too, did so with urgency.


The soldiers of the International Legion had arrived.


The path of the soldiers, among thousands of foreign fighters who signed up to help Ukraine after Russia invaded, told a story of war.


The Serebrianka Forest in eastern Ukrainian was badly scarred from months of fighting. Many of the trees and plants that sustained them had been toppled and burned by artillery, mortars and tank fire.


As the men walked, they saw bomb craters, some old, others so fresh that a green confetti of shredded leaves lay underfoot. They passed a makeshift cross, two sticks crudely bound together, marking where a Ukrainian soldier had stepped on a mine.


Then they were there: the snow-dusted trench line that would be home for their rotation.


Led by their Ukrainian commander, Tsygan, the International Legion soldiers answered with a barrage of their own, and the incoming and outgoing small-arms fire made for a confused, staccato orchestra.


In many respects, the position had a feeling of timelessness.


A network of dugouts and log-covered bunkers was linked together by a crude labyrinth of hand-dug trenches, some strung with camouflage netting. Ahead was nothing but Russian soldiers.


Snow, rain, wind and war crumble the trenches and bunkers that help keep soldiers alive in this war. In the lulls between fighting, the soldiers constantly fortify, repair and deepen them.


There are many reasons a foreigner might enlist to fight a war that has nothing to do with him.


One, of course, is money. The open-ended contracts in Ukraine pay, on average, about $2,500 a month, a tempting sum for some of the men who came there from countries with few good economic opportunities for them.


Yes, the pay is appealing, soldier Konrad 13, but so was feeling a sense of purpose.


It was over an hour before Tsygan cleared his men to venture into the open space separating them from the trenches and a moment of peace.


Before it was time to return to the fight.


文/Tyler Hicks 譯/羅方妤