NBA冠軍戰/勇士股東推擠羅瑞還罵人 遭罰50萬美金+禁入場1年



暴龍主控羅瑞(Kyle Lowry)在總冠軍賽G3末節爲了救球,整個人飛到場邊席,跌坐到一名男士的腿上,對方趕緊協助他起身,一旁女士也拍了拍他的背;此時卻出現「一隻手」推擠他的左肩甚至口出惡言,讓這位33歲明星控衛非常不滿。推人的是勇士隊的股東,已被聯盟開罰50萬美金並禁止他到場觀看NBA賽事1年。

It turns out the “fan” that pushed Kyle Lowry is actually part-owner Mark Stevens. What should the punishment be? #NBAFinals



值得一提的是,推人的男士名叫史蒂文斯(Mark Stevens),他並不是普通球迷,而是勇士隊的股東之一。勇士方面緊急發出聲明譴責史蒂文斯的行爲,並向羅瑞和暴龍球迷致歉,將無限期禁止這位失控的股東參與球隊活動

聯盟則對史蒂文斯開出50萬美金的罰單,並禁止他到場觀看NBA賽事1年。《NBC》記者拜爾斯(Dylan Byers)報導,多個消息來源都告訴他,史蒂文斯可能會在下季開打前被迫賣掉手上持有的股份

湖人一哥詹姆斯(LeBron James)也在個人IG替羅瑞發聲,「在我們美麗比賽中,絕對不容許這種行爲存在。」他表示自己今年季後賽都很「安靜」,但看到羅瑞遭受如此對待,他覺得自己不該再保持沉默;他指出史蒂文斯身爲球隊股東之一,比一般球迷更瞭解球場的規定,卻出現如此「越矩」的行爲,要求聯盟祭出重罰保護球員

There’s absolutely no place in our BEAUTIFUL game for that AT ALL. There’s so many issues here. When you sit courtside you absolutely know what comes with being on the floor and if you don’t know it’s on the back on the ticket itself that states the guidelines. But he himself being a fan but more importantly PART-OWNER of the Warriors knew exactly what he was doing which was so uncalled for. He knew the rules more than just the average person sitting watching the game courtside so for that Something needs to be done ASAP! A swift action for his actions. Just think to yourself, what if @kyle_lowry7 would have reacted and put his hands back on him. You guys would be going CRAZY!! Calling for him to damn near be put in jail let alone being suspended for the rest of the Finals all because he was protected himself. I’ve been quite throughout the whole NBA playoffs watching every game (haven’t missed one) but after I saw what I saw last night, took time to let it manifest into my thinking I couldn’t and wouldn’t be quiet on this! #ProtectThePlayers #PrivilegeAintWelcomeHere

LeBron James(@kingjames)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 6 日 上午 9:42 張貼