
喜愛超級英雄影迷們肯定都對漫威(Marvel)之父-史丹李(Stan Lee)的作品陌生,於1939年入行至今的史丹李,40年代已創作美國隊長,之後於1961年與合作伙伴傑克科比(Jack Kirby)正式創立漫威漫畫《Marvel》,兩人共同創作岀《驚奇四超人》(Fantastic Four)、《蜘蛛人》(Spider Man)及《復仇者聯盟》(Avengers)等膾炙人口的角色



To have an idea is the easiest thing in the world. Everybody has ideas. But you have to take that idea and make it into something people will respond to — that’s hard.


Just because you have superpowers, that doesn’t mean your love life would be perfect. I don’t think superpowers automatically means there won’t be any personality problems, family problems or even money problems. I just tried to write characters who are human beings who also have superpowers.


Nobody has a perfect life. Everybody has something that he wishes was not the way it is.


Entertainment is one of the most important things in people’s lives. Without it, they might go off the deep end. I feel that if you’re able to entertain people, you’re doing a good thing.《The Washington Post》


For years, kids have been asking me what’s the greatest superpower. I always say luck.


Luck's a revolving door, you just need to know when it's your time to walk through.


You know, my motto is ‘Excelsior.’ That’s an old word that means ‘upward and onward to greater glory’.《Play Boy》

關於英雄「英雄的另一個定義是會關懷其他人的幸福,並且不顧一切地協助他們 —即使未獲得回報的機會。」

Another definition of a hero is someone who is concerned about other people’s well-being, and will go out of his or her way to help them — even if there is no chance of a reward.


I don’t analyze things too closely. I find the more you analyze, the more you get away from spontaneity.


I don’t really see a need to retire as long as I am having fun.

Stan Lee,R.I.P.

文/Harper's BAZAAR 圖/Getty Images

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