帝國大廈關燈5分鐘 哀悼遭槍殺的殉職警員

帝國大廈爲哀悼紐約逝去2警熄燈5分鐘。(圖/翻攝自Josiah Daniel Ryan的twitter)


紐約市大樓地標23日紛紛熄燈5分鐘,哀悼遭槍殺員警拉莫斯(Raphael Ramos),與32歲的華裔劉文進(Liu Wenjin),參與中比較知名的像是洛克斐勒中心、帝國大廈和克萊斯勒大廈。


熄燈時間於12/23晚間 9:00─9:05,全部參與名單如下:

• Empire State Building• Chrysler Building• One World Trade Center• 30 Rockefeller Plaza• Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree• 4 Times Square• One Bryant Park• 240 Central Park South• 599 Lexington Avenue• 399 Park Avenue• CitiCorp Center aka 601 Lexington• Seven Times Square• 250 West 55th Street• General Motors Building• 1180 Avenue of the Americas• 400 Park Avenue• 388 Bridge Street• 140 Broadway• 250 Park Avenue• New York Times Building• 61 Broadway• 1334 York Ave• 685 Third Avenue• ConEd Corporate Headquarters at 4 Irving Place• 40 Central Park South• 555 Fifth Avenue• 381 Park Avenue South• 101 Barclay Street• 1251 Avenue of the Americas• 1221 Avenue of the Americas• 1271 Avenue of the Americas• One Park Avenue• 1515 Broadway• The Nicole at 400 W 55th St.• Atlas New York at 66 W 38th St.• Gotham West at 550 W 45th St. and 530 W 45th St.• 15 William Street• One Hanson Place• 1156 Avenue of the Americas• 286 Madison Avenue• 28 West 4th Street

• 25 West 45th Street• The Victory at 501 West 41st St.• The Epic at 125 West 31st St.• The Chesapeake at 345 East 94th St.

