奧圖維你這作弊仔! 正義球迷持大聲公羞辱場內太空人球員
▲柯瑞亞(Carlos Correa)。(圖/達志影像/美聯社)
With the Astros in the ALCS at Petco Park in front of him, Tim Kanter wrote out a message & bought a strong-enough megaphone: “My math teacher would be proud of me. I used the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the distance from the balcony to home plate.” https://t.co/gpl1mNKdx7
根據《The New York Times》報導,這名球迷叫做坎特(Tim Kanter),是芝加哥人、芝加哥白襪的球迷,因爲工作的關係近年來到聖地牙哥定居,而他工作的軟體公司就位於沛可球場旁的大樓,站在陽臺就能看見球場內的比賽,也因此讓他有這個機會。
「奧圖維(Jose Altuve)你這個作弊仔,有夠可恥的!柯瑞亞(Carlos Correa)你也是作弊仔,有夠可恥的!」坎特的聲音在球場內可以清晰聽見,在短短的30秒,做了許多不滿太空人作弊案的球迷想做的事。「如果今年沒有受到疫情影響正常開打,相信太空人已經聽到這些話上百遍了。」坎特說道。
A fan with a megaphone in one of the buildings surrounding Petco Park is going down the Astros roster and saying "(Player name), you are a cheater, shame on you."
A man outside of the ballpark is on a megaphone yelling that "the Astros are a bunch of cheaters" and that "Jose Altuve, you are a cheater, shame on you." They are going down the list of players who were on the team and saying the same thing
不只針對太空人,坎特也要藉由大聲公表達對於大聯盟主席曼弗瑞德(Rob Manfred)的不滿,他認爲曼弗瑞德不僅對太空人懲處太輕,「我們譴責曼弗瑞德輕判這些人玷污棒球這美麗的運動,記住!作弊是不對的,拜託別作弊了!」